"Vessel of Love" (C) March, 7, 2012, by Esmeralda Hernandez. Mixed media includes: water color pencils, pencil, & water color paint.
Personal background
This is the first time using water color paints for any art work that I have done publicly. I understand my world as shapes, light and dark colors, contrasting colors and with my senses. The only time I see shades is in the sun. I do not think of light hitting an object and where a shadow should appear. In fact, one day in my art class I was noticing some pictures up close on the studio wall. One of the staff told me about shading and how it is the way artist show the direction of the light, The direction of the light determines where the shade hits the object. He gave me a little help on how to show direction in my work. I still don't understand it completely.
About the Drawing.
This drawing came to me while worshiping on Friday night at One New Man Ministry during worship. I simply saw a clear vase in white background with hearts floating from the bottom to the top of the place where I could not see anymore. The hearts are floating in every direction as indicated by the movement of the hearts. That night I just was fascinated by the movements of the hearts from the vase they just kept coming and coming. I sense that they were ongoing similar to the fragrance of a flower from in a vase.
Two days later, I also sense that we are living vessels. The only thing that should be in us is the love of the father. I know for personally I fill it with so many other things like food, and noise and music. These are good because God created them all, however, he desires to place his love in the deepest places of our life where there may be some wounds and shame. He desires us to remain open to his love. That is the only way in which we can then freely give love to others. This journey is not easy because it requires opening up some in order to receive healing. His hands were nailed because he loved us. his touch is love. He created us as vessels to mold and to shape. We become like him one day at a time. We are his vessel of love.